
You do your best
and we'll
handle the rest

“famehype” joined forces with “ITBM” to bring you a new way of monetizing your creativity by you doing what you do the best and let us handle what’s happening behind the scene.

In the Black Media

We drive profitability and business growth for new media (Youtube, Twitch) and production studio clients by an average of 200% revenue increase.


We are the first platform to enable content creators to successfully convert their fans, viewers and subscribers into buyers.

This is who we are


We help creators increase their income

Sell Official Game Codes and partner with Xbox, Nintendo, EA and more to sell codes straight from source.

Unifying online presence

Owning your own website increases your brand awareness, giving you data to attract new sponsorships by selling official codes from our partners.

Total control of fan base

Our real-time dashboard shows you how your audience reacts to your content, giving you full visibility of who is buying what on what days.

This is how it works and who we are looking for


Get in touch and let us handle it all. We will set you up with your own URL for you to promote as your own business.

No mentioning of “famehype” needed, we will sit in the background and help support your growth in a new revenue stream.


We are looking for content creators who have an engaged audience and understand that we are here to grow with you as a long term partner. 

You will need to have a strong gaming audience who are interested in Console gaming.

Everyone of our creators needs to go through a rigorous quality approval process from the brands we work with.


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